8. Is Your Diet an Enemy to Your Health?
Early warning signs that your diet is an enemy to your health are:
- food allergies
- indigestion
- constipation
- hemorrhoids
- high blood pressure
- weight gain
- sinus infections
- colds and flu
Taking vitamins and mineral pills will not prevent these problems. Scientists cannot formulate into pills nutrients they haven’t discovered.
Diseases attributed in large measure to a refined foods diet are:
- Obesity
- heart disease
- stroke
- breast cancer
- prostate cancer
- arthritis
- osteoporosis
- sexual dysfunction
- birth defects
- infertility
- diabetes
- depression
Every time you eat refined foods you exclude from your diet a certain amount of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, fiber, and phytochemicals. The result is you slowly weaken an organ or critical body function.