4. Mind & Spirit

Calming the mind and spirit are important parts of restoring health.  And, conversely, restoring health calms the mind and spirit.  Avoiding foods and habits that scatter the mind (rich foods, refined sugar, alcohol, coffee, eating too late and too large of meals) and a simple diet with perhaps occasional light fasting goes a long way toward building inner peace.
Peace of mind and spirit
We are citizens of the “information age” and, in so being, have a tendency toward mental hyperactivity.  Excessive thought, worry and ultimately stress become commonplace. This, too, affects our health.

Denatured, devitalized, deficient foods may very well create denatured, devitalized, deficient lives.

Depression, isolation, insecurities, fears, intense anxiety… Life depleting food intake becomes brain chemistry influencing thinking and emotion.  Foods can drive emotions and passionate desire, emotional heat, and even social disarray.

Nutritional science now understands that the amino acid tyrosine, which is abundantly supplied in protein-rich diets, produces in the brain the chemical dopamine.

Dopamine causes enhanced activity and aggression.  Excesses of spices, refined sugar treats, meats, and poor quality fats ultimately lead to nervousness, agitation, and depletion.

Complex carbohydrates and dairy products promote brain chemistry rich in tryptophan, seratonin and melatonin.  When these substances are abundant in the body they promote calmness, deep sleep, strong immunity and a relaxed, focused mind.  Emotions, body and intellect are harmonized.

A great many people in the so-called “advanced” civilizations of the world suffer from stagnation and degeneration of the mind and body.  These problems can manifest themselves in dark obsessions and dull, warped personality traits.

Our emotions can take the shape of desires and cravings.  Nervous systems, hearts and minds degenerate as well as the body.

Today exists epidemics of cancer, tumors, heart disease, emotional and mental diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, and moral and spiritual degenerations.

Many of us are addicted to pre-packaged, processed and very rich tasting foods, excessive and poor quality meats, intoxicants of one kind or another, overly sweet, spicy, salty and fatty foods, and actually have no sense of diet other than mindless desires. And…

… we wonder why so many of us are unable to sleep well or concentrate, why we’re angry or resentful, depressed or despondent, sick and tired, and disillusioned with life or without hope.

Increasing numbers of children are diagnosed each year with attention deficit disorder (ADD).

Adult attention deficit disorder (AADD) is being diagnosed with progressing rapidity.  Melancholy, despair and other aspects of mental depression are now more common than ever.  People today have ten times the depression rate of our parents and grandparents.

We will fail to survive if we continue this way.

Not only are deadly diseases and pollution proliferating but sperm counts in industrialized countries have dropped 50% on average and are predicted to be near zero within the next few generations!  We could soon be extinct if our health and awareness aren’t drastically changed.

If the results of our choices in life are intolerable – disease, pain, and mental disparity – we need only make better choices!

As your health improves you’ll have fewer feelings of hopelessness and separation and gain a greater sense of belonging and unity.  Stress melts away and you’ll feel light, clear, easy, and content.

Foods that help depression are brown rice, cucumbers, apples, cabbage, fresh wheat germ, and apple cider vinegar.  Including one in each meal is adequate.

The American medical and research communities have totally overlooked diet and nutrition as an impact on our health, including mental health.

Six of the ten principles of death pertain directly to diet.  Yet only some medical schools even offer a basic course in nutrition.

Doctors have a tendency to learn about nutrition within the narrow area of the illnesses they treat.

  • Cardiologists can tell you plenty about fat and cholesterol.
  • Rheumatologists know calcium and vitamin D.
  • OB/GYN doctors know folic acid.
  • Cancer specialists know about fiber and fat – not necessarily the fact that broccoli can prevent cancer because it contains sulforophane, which causes the liver to produce an enzyme that blocks carcinogenic activity (also present in cabbage and brussel sprouts).

But few know any more about nutrition than the average person. How often does your doctor ask you what you eat?

In our last section we will discuss how to apply what you have learned to everyday life. It will include some common sense principles, cooking techniques and some recipes you may want to try.