36. Rheumatic and Arthritic Conditions
Rheumatism is characterized by pain in the bones, joints, muscles, tendons or nerves, mostly in the hands, feet and arms. It is described as an autoimmune disease in which one part of the body attacks another. This includes such disorders as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, bursitis, neuritis, and sciatica.
Arthritis is an umbrella term that covers more than 100 joint disorders. Arthritis can affect any joint and symptoms can range from mild aches and stiffness to severe pain and crippling deformity. These conditions are marked by mineral imbalances. Calcium is a good indicator of mineralization in general. It is therefore important to avoid calcium inhibitors: excess meat or protein, intoxicants, refined sugar, too many sweets, and excess salt.
Calcium deficiency problems require a balance of all minerals.
Dairy products are sometimes the cause of calcic disorders, and not the cure, due to their high fat content. Foods high in oxalic acid should also be avoided – rhubarb, cranberry, plum, chard, spinach. Nightshade family vegetables – tomato, eggplant, bell peppers, and potato – also often cause problems.
To find out what aggravates the problem, eliminate all for six weeks and re-introduce them to your diet one at a time with a few days between each. If symptoms of pain or swelling increase, you know what to avoid.
Otherwise, all other whole foods are generally beneficial.