Have you ever felt irritable and snappy, but didn’t know why?
It could be the case that you’re feeling hangry. That feeling is all too familiar for many of us. It occurs when we’re so hungry that our emotions become affected. You could feel angry, frustrated, or even anxious.
The connection between hunger and mood is a real phenomenon that occurs due to the way your brain and hormones react to a lack of food. So, next time you’re feeling particularly grumpy and unsure why, take a moment to consider if the culprit could be that you’re feeling hangry.
Feeling Hangry?
This emotional cocktail can make even the most mild-mannered person snap.
Even science supports the concept that low blood sugar can lead to irritability and even aggression. In fact, the word hangry is used to describe the irritable and short-tempered state people often find themselves in when their blood sugar levels drop.
But don’t think that means your body needs sugar! That’s not what’s happening at all…
This state can be caused by:
- missing or skipping meals
- consuming too much processed sugar
- not having a balanced diet
How to Avoid Feeling Hangry
The thing is, feeling hangry doesn’t just affect you! It can also make everyone else around you uncomfortable.
So, let’s talk about how to avoid feeling hangry and keep your cool even when you haven’t eaten.
For Starters, Eat a Balanced Diet
You know I would say that, right? But, did you know that the more processed sugar and foods you eat, the more your body will crave them? It’s true!
These types of foods can cause a spike in your blood sugar levels, leaving you feeling energized and satisfied for a short amount of time. However, as your blood sugar levels drop, your body starts to crave more sugar and processed foods, leading to a vicious cycle of overeating.
This is why it can be so challenging to break free from these unhealthy eating habits. It’s important to be mindful of the foods we consume and make an effort to incorporate more whole, nutrient-dense foods into our diets to keep our bodies nourished and satisfied.
When you consume a balanced diet, you’re less likely to experience sudden drops in blood sugar levels that cause you to feel irritable and cranky.
To avoid these uncomfortable feelings, eat a balanced diet. This means including healthy fats, proteins, and complex carbohydrates in your meals. These three macronutrients provide your body with the necessary energy to function.
A balanced diet that includes all the essential nutrients, keeps your blood sugar levels stable. This helps prevent dips and spikes that often leave you feeling out of sorts. By keeping your body fueled and energy levels high, you can prevent that overwhelming feeling of being hangry.
So, in reality eating a balanced diet goes beyond just physical health benefits, it can help maintain your emotional stability and even prevent temper tantrums!
Plan your meals
Meal planning is an essential aspect of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. However, despite its importance, a lot of people still struggle to plan their meals. Perhaps it’s because they think the act of meal planning takes too much effort and time.
Or, maybe they’re overwhelmed with the numerous recipe options available, not knowing where to start.
Others might not have the necessary resources or tools required to make the process easier for them.
Whatever the reason, it’s vital to know that meal planning doesn’t have to be complicated. With a little creativity, you can easily incorporate simple, quick, and nutritious meals into their routine without feeling overwhelmed or discouraged.
By adopting a few habits and making simple changes, meal planning can become an enjoyable experience that will ultimately benefit both your body and mind.
Additionally, planning your meals in advance is another way to avoid hunger pangs and subsequent irritability.
When you plan your meals, you’re less likely to skip a meal or resort to eating unhealthy snacks.
Avoid Processed Sugar
Eating processed and added sugars can lead to a vicious cycle of hunger and mood changes, causing the infamous feeling of being “hangry”.
When we consume these sugary treats, our blood sugar levels spike quickly, leading to an initial burst of energy and satisfaction. However, this high is short-lived, and soon after our bodies release insulin to bring our blood sugar levels back down.
This can also cause a sudden drop in energy levels, leaving us feeling tired, irritable, and yes, “hangry”. Our bodies then crave more sugar to bring our blood sugar levels back up, leading to a never-ending cycle of sugar highs and lows.
It’s best to avoid processed sugar and replace it with whole foods and natural sugars. This can be in the form of fruits, nuts, or even sugar alternatives like honey. Reducing your intake of processed sugar can help you avoid the dreaded hangry state.
Snack on protein
Protein is an essential macronutrient that helps keep you feeling full for longer. When you’re feeling peckish, reaching for a protein snack can help curb your hunger and keep your blood sugar levels stable.
So, when your stomach grumbles and that feeling of hangry sets in, don’t panic! There are plenty of quick protein snacks you can grab to keep you fueled and satisfied.
For starters, hard boiled eggs are a portable and convenient option that pack a protein punch. Greek yogurt with a handful of nuts or seeds is another great choice, as is beef or turkey jerky.
If you’re feeling fancy, whip up a batch of protein balls with peanut butter, protein powder, and honey for a sweet and satisfying snack on the go.
Whatever your taste buds fancy, there are plenty of tasty and nutritious protein options to keep you from feeling hangry between meals.
Skip Quick Fixes
When hunger strikes and you’re away from the comfort of your own kitchen (or don’t feel like cooking), it’s tempting to pull into the nearest fast food joint and satisfy your growling stomach.
But before you give in to those golden arches or the king of burgers, take a moment to consider the consequences.
Not only are fast food options often high in calories and low in nutritional value, they can leave you feeling even more unhappy and unsatisfied than before.
Instead, try packing some healthy snacks or researching healthier dining options in the area. Your body (and taste buds) will thank you.
Points to remember
When you get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the day, you may not realize when it’s way past your normal mealtime. Next thing you know, you’re feeling hangry – that combination of hunger and irritability that can take over your mood and leave you feeling frustrated.
But there is a quick fix…
Keep a stash of healthy snacks on hand, such as nuts, fruit, or protein bars, to ward off hunger pangs and keep your energy levels up. Just a few bites of something nutritious can quell the hangry beast and leave you feeling refreshed and ready to take on the rest of your day.
Or perhaps you find yourself scrolling through social media, or staring blankly at your computer screen, feeling frustrated, not accomplishing anything. Well,…
Science suggests that your lack of focus and motivation could be linked to your empty stomach. Research has found that hunger can cause a decrease in cognitive performance, making it harder to concentrate and complete tasks.
When our bodies are in need of sustenance, they focus on survival and finding food rather than on other activities, leading to a decrease in productivity.
So next time you find yourself in a slump, ask yourself if it’s time for a snack break.
Feeling Hangry – Avoided!
Just so you know, feeling hangry is a common problem. The good news is that it can be easily avoided with some dietary changes and avoiding quick fixes.
Following the tips in this post can help you avoid low blood sugar levels, which ultimately lead to irritability and hunger pangs.
- eating a balanced diet
- planning your meals
- avoiding processed sugar
- snacking on protein
Avoiding the hangry state will make your life and those around you more relaxed and enjoyable.